Weak Spot | a webpage that can easily be beaten in the SERPs |
Weak Website | a website with low authority. In LowFruits, authority is measured using the Moz DA metric (0 - 100). Higher DA values indicate greater authority, while values below 20 are deemed weak. |
SERP | Search Engine Results Page |
DA | Domain Authority, a Moz metric DA, is a metric used to assess the authority and ranking potential of a website. It is mainly calculated based on the number and quality of backlinks. |
UGC | User-Generated Content, or content created by users. |
PAA | An acronym for "People Also Ask," a feature in search engine results pages that displays related questions based on the user's search query |
Related queries | They are the suggested search terms or keywords related to a user's original search query, shown on the search engine results page to help users find more relevant information. |
Blue fruit icon | represents a forum or user-generated content (UGC) page |
Green fruit icon | represents a low-authority website (i.e., a website with a low Domain Authority score). |
Yellow fruit icon | your website |
Purple fruit icon | custom weak websites |
Exact Match | the page title contains all the words from a user's search query |
Partial Match | the page title contains nearly all the words from a user's search query |
TM (10) | Exact Match + Partial Match in top 10 search results |
High-intent | Indicates a strong intention or desire on the part of the searcher to take a specific action |
Last updated