Exclusive features

Monthly and yearly subscriptions come with some exclusive features:

  • A Keyword Rank Tracker: to track the performance of your keywords.

  • A Boosted KWFinder: up to 5 times more keyword ideas per seed keyword.

  • A Domain Explorer: a database with more than 150,000 weak websites.

  • A keyword ranking extractions: extract top-ranking keywords.

  • A sitemap extractor: get to discover the content plans of your competitors.

  • A keyword idea generator based on other websites.

  • 10% discount on pay-as-you-go packs.

  • Traffic data in the competition tab of your reports.

  • Unlimited free reports download.

To get on a subscription, you can sign up here.

Check the video below to learn how to efficiently utilize the Domain Explorer tool for extracting great keywords.

Do also check our FAQ for questions you might have about subscriptions.

Last updated